2011 ACFW Choir Video

Last week I was in St Louis, Missouri at the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference. As usual, the conference ended on Sunday morning with a worship session which included the ACFW choir.

Rachael Phillips, the 2011 ACFW Choir Director said, "They are a wonderful, gifted group, and I love working with them. I send them music and mp3 files beforehand, which they rehearse on their own, and in four/five crazy conference practices wedged in between classes and appointments, these singers from all over the country blend their diverse talents and spirits into a single voice of praise. SO proud of them!"

So there I was in the back corner of the room with my little Lumix camera. Because I was so far away, the faces in the choir are barely discernable. And the video is shaky since I didn't have a tripod. However, the music is a beautiful outpouring of the spirit. I hope you can look past the inadequacies - perhaps just close your eyes - and receive the blessing of these gifted singers.

Thank you going out to all the singers as well as to Rachael Phillips, the ACFW Choir Director who wrote one of the songs, called "Writer's Prayer", based on scripture.


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