Operation Wading Boots

My new blog header is the scene that greeted us on Easter morning (Resurrection Day). Camera in hand, boots on my feet, I walked straight down the driveway and stopped at the corner where we turn onto the road. That's where I'm standing in this photo, looking west:

I turned to the north and took this photo of our road. Or at least where our road was supposed to be:

Since our van is very low, we needed to get it to the other side before the water level rose any higher. Nelson called the crew into action as spotters. For this dangerous work, Nick donned Nelson's waders. The boys were primed with purpose.

They walked down the road while Nelson drove the van slowly behind them. He left it parked in a safe zone and walked back. It was Easter morning and we needed to get ready for church.

We then hopped into the truck and drove across. I filmed this epic crossing and will post it here shortly. Once across, we switched to the van and went to church repeating the scenario on the way back.

The rare photo opportunities of this temporary lake beneath the western sky is amazing. I marvel at the blessed beauty of this spring.

And look... more snow! There is still lots of snow hiding on the north side of buildings, under trees and in the shadows to keep the water running for many days yet. I stood near our apple trees to take this photo. The road and driveway on the right.

More photos and videos on the way.

So, what's the weather like where you are? Did you get caught in the tornadoes? Live where you're crying for rain? Let me know and I'll pray for you.


  1. wow. looks like you'll be waterlogged for awhile. i'm glad that the snow has melted slowly so your home hasn't been flooded. your life is certainly far from boring.

    the weather in Virginia Beach has been humid and rainy. the rain isn't so bad, but the humidity gets to me. *sigh*

    i certainly hope all goes well when the road gets repaired and "updated". looking forward to your video.

  2. What beautiful pictures!

  3. Boring, Deb? What's that? And considering that you're a diver, I'd like to say the same to you. LOL

    Yeah, I can't take much heat and humidity, either. I felt like a limp noodle at the RWA conference in Orlando last year. No matter how much I complain about the weather here in Sask, I really like the change of seasons.

    And I just posted the video about driving through the water to church on Easter morning. :)

    Bless you, Deb.

    Anita Mae.

  4. Well, thank you Sherri. I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me. :)

    Bless you,

    Anita Mae.


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