Seekerville Historical Dress-Up Party

I'm alone in the house and should be working but those gals at Seekerville are having a Historical Dress-Up party and keep distracting me. The celebration is in honour of Steeple Hill releasing four new Love Inspired Historicals every month instead of just two. Senior Editor Tina James is the guest of honour and the party is brimming with all sorts of people in their historical finery. I do believe the sagging food tables will soon cave in from their burdens as well.

Jecoliah Endicott, c 1888
As you can see from my photograph, I've taken on the persona of Jecoliah Endicott - known as Liah to her friends - the heroine of my current work-in-progress. Although she doesn't understand how, Liah has travelled from 1888 over to the world of today on Unpubbed Island and is quite amazed by the whole experience.
I would have been here earlier to tell you of the whole affair but Liah has kept dashing off at the sight of anything red in the hopes of catching the handsome North West Mounted Police officer, Corporal Patrice Bisset. Of course she'll tell you she's only interested in enquiring about his young son, but I know better from the gleam in her eyes.

Well, I'm off to check on the party once more. If you are interested in writing historicals, this is your chance to talk to the editor who is looking for new authors.

Perhaps I'll see you there. :)


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