Found Some Dynamite... Maybe

Just after lunch on Sunday, I took my son to the city via the route which passes by the cheapest gas station around. About a mile after leaving the highway, I passed what looked like a block of dynamite sticks on the side of the road. Yeah, right.

I backed the van up and pulled alongside. But yes, it really looked like 100 sticks of dynamite all taped into a block. I took photos both with my camera and cell phone although I stayed in the van. The dynamite was stained, making it look old and was probably unstable. We were still 10 miles from the city. It probably wasn’t dynamite but to be safe, I drove about a hundred feet up the road then pulled over to phone the local Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The Mountie I spoke to said he’d send someone out to see. I said I’d wait there.

Now you have to understand, it was 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon. My son, JJ, was going on a school camping trip and needed some items. I needed to pick up hubby’s prescription. The pharmacy closes at 6pm on Sunday night. I could only see 2 houses from where we were parked and I really didn’t think it actually was real dynamite that we found. And yet, I was worried some kids would happen upon it and blow themselves to smithereens.

So we waited.

And waited.

I didn’t know how busy the Mounties were, but I explained to JJ they would come when they could. Cars zoomed past. Birds sang. And mosquitoes hovered. Still we waited. After awhile I started to feel silly because after all, who tapes 100 sticks of dynamite together and leaves it on the side of the road? Really.

Well, around 4 pm, the Mountie showed up. I signaled where the dynamite was. By the time he pulled in behind me, he was on the radio calling it in. He couldn’t confirm it was dynamite, but he told the dispatcher to send out ‘a team’ to dispose of it. The Mountie proceeded to take down my personal information then said they’d be in touch in a couple days to let me know what happened.

I looked in my side-view mirror as I drove away… the Mountie was roughly 50 ft from the dynamite, on the far side of the road, standing on his tippy toes to get a good look.
Have you ever passed something weird or suspicious on the side of the road? Did you stop to check it out?


  1. Very interesting, Anita - you'll have to keep us posted if you hear back from the Mounties! I want to know if it was dynamite, too.

    I see you've playing with your blog - looks good. Is this one of the new blogger templates?

  2. I'll spread the word as soon as I hear something back.

    Yes, it's one of the new Blogger backgrounds. It's something along the lines of what I wanted before and couldn't find so I asked a friend to see what she could do. I never wanted one so dark that my text was white but I'm kind of liking this effect, now. I'll have to see what my friend comes up with. Provided she has time, of course. Until then, I won't be spending too much time here changing things because Emma's calling... :)


  3. Oh, my...
    Yep, one time we saw a big knife stuck in someone's front yard.

    My husband rang the door bell and told the folks about it.

    No, they didn't claim it.

    Yes, they fetched it.

    Go figure???!!!

    Like the new blog look, too.


  4. A big knife? Wow. My first thought was that it was evidence and it should've been placed in a plastic bag for fingerprinting and DNA sampling. Very interesting.

    Thanks, Patti. I think it's very refreshing, too. I'm trying for that Old West Prairie look. :D



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