March Sunrise

I haven't been posting because I'm in my cave working on deadlines for 2 contests. I had them ready a month ago but my wonderful critique partners picked them apart so a major overhaul was in order.

In the meantime, I thought I'd show you what I've been waking to every morning. The sun rises around 7 am these days and shines in my eyes while I'm drinking my morning coffee.

But what a glorious sight! And no, this pic is not photoshopped. It's the color God painted it.


  1. ooooooooooo...
    That is wonderfully gorgeous!

    Sending prayers for high productivity and inspired writing on your MS edits.


  2. Hey Deb, guess what - that pkg I misplaced with Guppy's gift... it just came in the mail yesterday. LOL. I guess it was another pkg I misplaced. Oops.

    So, I'll get that and your book off to your this week.

    Blessings. Give Guppy a hug for me. :)

  3. Hey Patti, thanks for visiting me.

    btw - Happy Birthday!

    Praying for God's blessing on you and your trip.


  4. Hurray! I'm so excited about your story.

    Enjoy those beautiful sunrises. Before we know it they'll be happening before we get to our coffee!
    I have amazing sunrises too. Nothing in front of me but a couple miles of water.


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