MMM Sent to CP's

Finished my revisions to Marry Me Ma'am yesterday and emailed the partial to my critique partners last night.

While I'm waiting for my CP's to tell me what they really think, I must keep revising. My goal for the Sask Rom Writers May blitz is to revise 5 pages per day. I'm on still on track. Since I need to have MMM ready in case the editor likes it and wants to see the full manuscript, I'll continue on with those revisions.

I also have a blogpost to write for tomorrow's Pairie Chicks Write Romance blog.

And, I need to update the News from the Pews blog and see if anyone commented on the new layout. Probably not since I haven't received an email. Funny how they're so quiet on blog unlike in church... :)

Since I've had to reload my laptop, I haven't been able to convince it to accept photos from my camera. Not sure what that's about but I can't find the place on HP Essentials where you tell your laptop which digital camera you're using. I probably have to check the info pkg I rec'd with the camera in case there's a CD to reload but too much writing to do right now. The photos will have to wait. Doesn't mean I haven't stopped taking them, though. :)

What about you - are you sailing along, or is technology throwing a crimp in your creativity?


  1. I have seen you at the Blitz report site at least once, so you may have seen that stumbling is a better way to describe my activity of late. I am making progress with my first draft but not 'sailing' at this point. However, I can't blame technology (cross fingers). I have allowed myself to keep checking the auction pages, put in a few bids, but have to take stock on whether to keep bidding where I have been outbid. Tense!

    Other stuff keeps getting in the way, but so far since Saturday (I copped out on May first)I have done 'something' related to my novel every day. And when I do get down to actually writing, I have been happy with what I have done --at least in the context of a first draft.

    I'm really looking forward to the retreat. Sitting around yakking about writing beats blogs any day, tho this comes a close second.

    Have you been to Donna Alward's blog on conflict? Part 1 yesterday was on exterior and interior conflict, the final part today is on core conflict. Very useful. She had exciting award nomination news yesterday, too.

    Time to go. Need to write. (My mantra)

    Good luck with the revising, Hazel.

  2. Hey Hazel, it's funny that you mention Donna's site because she critted the original synopsis I wrote for MMM before she gave her workshop in 2006.

    I'm glad you're bidding on Brenda's auction and I would accuse you of procrastinating, but you seem to be satisfied with your writing output and that's the main thing, isn't it.

    I placed half a dozen bids in on the weekend and from the emails know some are standing and some have fallen. I hunt every so often for the $1 buys and the 1 day only buys but limit myself.

    Not sure yet if I'll be at the retreat.

    Thanks for the tip on Donna's conflicts.

  3. Hi Anita,
    I switched up my writing projects in the hopes of getting excited over it again. So starting from scratch. You still in a writing push or just the revisions?

  4. Good for you, Kel. Let me know if I can fan your embers. :)

    Since I rec'd the request for a partial on MMM, I'm going to continue with those revisions. You never know -- she may like it and ask for the full. :)


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