I'm Waiting...

I'm trying to critique a chapter for one of my crit partners, but I'm having a hard time concentrating. Because I'm waiting. Seems every time I get a notice I've rec'd an email, I have to go check it out. Because I'm waiting. There's no guarantee I'll even get an answer today but it doesn't change anything. Because I'm waiting.

What I'm waiting for:

- the first round results of the Genesis contest are to be announced between May 1st-15th. (And it's the 12th today, eh) I have 2 entries in this contest.

- the first round results of the Touched by Love contest are to be announced on May 16th. I have 2 entries in this contest as well.

- the partial I subbed to TWRP has been passed from the Sweetheart line to Yellow Rose. She liked it, but will they?

So, I'm waiting on 3 major career defining moments. Oh, the pressure...

Are you waiting for something? Big or small? Is it self-induced or involuntary?


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