I'm a Finalist!

I'm happy dancing! If you read my post a couple days ago, you'd see that I've been waiting on the results from the Linda Howard contest and I rec'd them late last night:

'When You Least Expect It'
is a finalist!!!

Wow! I'm so excited!

In the next few days I'll receive my entry back along with the judges' comments and I have a week or so to revise my entry, if I wish, taking their insights into consideration. Then I re-submit and wait for the final judging.

I'm not going to tell you who's the final judge, but she's from my target line at SH.

Happy dancing...


  1. Huge Congratulations, Anita! How exciting - your hard work and determination is paying off. Good luck with the revisions and the final judging round - I'll be watching for an even bigger announcement in the near future.


  2. Congratulations!!!!! WOW! And how ironic is it that it's titled, "When you least expect it" Heh.

  3. Thanks, Kel. Yeah, the title is appropriate because this is only the second one I wrote when I was going on gut instinct without much technique involved.

  4. WAY TO GO ANITA!!!!!!! As I said in Seekerville, you and Cara and I are not competitors but allies in the quest to SELL!!

    Hey and I have an iTouch also. Love the sucker. I take it to work and listen to praise music all day long and on break I watch Michael Hague writing DVDs.


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