Day 3 - Book in a Week

Day 3 was a bit frustrating. I had to re-type 3 pages due to a faulty/corrupt flash drive - long story, please don't ask. Anyway, I got those retyped and kept going.

Then I had to stop for some research. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...that I wasted time on Facebook or surfing the net, checking and reading blogs. Well, I might have checked a couple, BUT I really did have to do some research. I spent about an hour or so on it before getting back to writing.

Storywise I have to tell you things did not go as planned. My writing style is a cross between a plotter and a pantser - like a hybrid. I know how the story will play out but I don't know all the twists and turns to get there.

When I started writing this morning, I planned to have the villain shoot at Dyler and Hayley today. It didn't happen. That's where the research came in. I used a different venue to bring them to a nerve shattering moment which ends with Dyler's arms around Hayley in comfort.

You see, I figured if someone shot at them now, only a quarter of the way into the book, it would bring the cops into the picture and Dyler and Hayley would have to hand over their findings to local authorities. As a cop herself, Hayley would be warned to stay away from the re-opened case due to conflict of interest. That's no fun. But the way it stands now, Dyler and Hayley are the only ones with suspicions and can do their investigations without giving themselves away. Or so they think.

As I was writing, I kept hearing the villain make these smart remarks as he covertly watched Dyler and Hayley follow the 5 yr old trail. Finally this afternoon, I got so tired of hearing the villain's voice, that I went back to my story and at the appropriate places, I wrote the villain's POV and left it there in red letters so I can find it quickly. This was new for me. I don't usually write the part of the villain and yet the words, thoughts and actions just flowed across the page. I don't know where they came from and I'm cringing to think they're actually my thoughts, but they're on paper. And do you know something? He's kind of creepy. In a maniacal sort of way. (shudder)

Are you a plotter, a pantser, or a hybrid? Do you hear the voices of your characters nagging at you until you commit them to paper? Or do you ignore them and stay the plot?

Come to me...


  1. Definitely a hybrid. I have basic ideas and conflicts but the way from point A to Point B isn't usually laid out...I just know I'll get there. I usually have a couple of important scenes in my head but the rest is up in the air. The only think I really plot out is the characters.

  2. Hey Donna - do you know I'd never heard the words plotter and pantser until you gave us (the SRW) your workshop. I'd spent all those years writing alone without even the internet so I didn't know a lot of common terms and phrases that modern writers use.

    I have so much more to say about how your workshop affected me but I'll wait until you join us at this Sat.

    I'm getting very excited. Thanks for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to stop by.

  3. Pantser. Total pantser yet the story always unfolds the way it needs to. Your unconscious works things in for you to use and it always surprises me how it comes together.

    I did the evil POV for the book that's being shopped now. I've done it once before and I really enjoy the freedom.

    Looks like you are really cruising, Anita. And of COURSE you have my support. I'll check in with you tomorrow. :)

  4. Thanks Kel. Now I'm even more excited to read your book. you think your agent needs my help? LOL

  5. Loving your posts on BIAW, Anita. You're really talking to me and I am compelled to comment (and you know that doesn't happen very often - I like Lurkdom, it's very homey).

    Anyway - pantser all the way. And writing the villian - oh, yeah. It helps to ground your motives/conflicts/action. If his (or her) words are out there, they are a part of the story. The hero and heroine can react! When I taught, I always told my kids to think of their story as a movie playing in their head. And all movies show (not tell) the villian's side of the story.

    Good luck with your suspense - and I hope there's no more computer issues. (Now that's shudder worthy)


  6. Hey Janet, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your comment yesterday. And now again...fantastic! If I can pull you out of Lurkdom, I can...I can...I can really write!

    Good point about the Hero/heroine being able to react when the villain's POV is included. I never looked at it that way.

    Thank you, Janet, you made my day.


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