BIAWeekend Friday Report

I agreed to participate in the Book In A Weekend during this long Labour Day weekend because I'd been putting off completing a book that I really needed to finish. This was the perfect weekend to do it and Dee over on the board was posting a forum for anyone anyone else who wanted to join in.

Now for my progress - When Dee said BIAW starts at midnight - I freaked! I'd been scrambling all week and still had 2 contest entries to get out. So, I worked on them and sent them out - that's 2 entries Charley's Saint and Marry Me, Ma'am? in the Golden Pen contest (deadline Sept 1st) Phew.

Around 2 pm, I started my Outlaw wip. But you know, I hadn't worked on it for months. I couldn't remember what my heroine even looked like! thank goodness for character sketches. So, I had to do a lot of flipping between docs to get back into it.

At 3:45, the school bus dropped off my boys and I quickly packed up my laptop and moved out to the RV - our old Class C motorhome.

Ah the quiet...a bee hummed outside my window near the apple trees... flies buzzed inside the RV near the windows...musketeers zzzzz near my ears...a jet droned overhead...a barncat howled...a duck flapped it's wings...somethng scurried over my head...the dog barked...hubby rattled the BBQ...the smell of charcoal filled the RV...hubby called out that the burgers were ready...didn't take me long to leave the RV...

I love working in the RV. Except, it's uncomfortable to sit for long's a 70's model and we're talking 2 in foam sitting on plywood. Not a captain's chair in sight.

Anyway, I moved back into the house when the kids went to bed and worked til midnight.

Total words for today: 5217

Pages written today: 26

Total percentage complete: 43%



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