It's April! Robins and Prairie Chicks

No, I won't pull an April Fool's Day post on you this year. I've been too busy writing to make one up. I'll get you next year, though. : )

I'm blogging over at Prairie Chicks Write Romance today. We're discussing the use of 'who' and 'whom' and whether we really need 'whom'. Please join us.

I've changed my photo up top to a current one. It was taken yesterday - March 31st. It's not as pretty as the all white winter scene but it shows you what it's like up here right now.

As for my writing - in the last couple days I've submitted Emma's Outlaw in both the ACFW's Genesis contest and also in the RWA FHL's Touched by Love contest. The waiting game is on now as I won't know if I final until May.

With the warmer temperatures, I've been writing in my garage office whenever the family is watching TV or playing the electronic games in the living room. It quiet out there. I have room for my 4'x4' pegboard which has one of those huge pads of paper so I can make all kinds of plot or character notes. A white board, too. Not exactly high tech but it'll be a long time before I have the type of smart board that was shown on Castle these past 2 weeks. Wasn't that something to brighten your eyes!

I was out there in my office when I saw this robin fly in. My first robin of the year. He thought I couldn't see him. Heh. And yes that is snow in the background. Because it's in the shade, that snow will be there for awhile yet.

Do you know when to use who and whom?


  1. pretty much, but often get thwarted by which and that.

    Sounds like you've been pounding those keys.

    Praise God.

  2. Hi - I've popped over from Janet's post at Prairie Chicks. I love your robin shot!

    I try to avoid misusing who and whom, but heaven only knows if I'm successful.

  3. Hey Patti, yes, I have been and if I'm smart I'll stay that way.

    I didn't think I had a problem with 'which' and 'that' until I did the blog post. Let's just say I'm aware of it now. Heh

    Thanks for the visit.

  4. Hey Julia, welcome to my little corner of the prairies.

    So you're in Nova Scotia, eh. And you've got our lovely Janet. We miss her but it sounds like she's happy by the sea.

    At least you're honest about who/whom. Heh.

    Thanks for the visit. I appreciate it.

  5. Hey Anita - just to drive you nuts or give you something to do in your spare time !!

    Who gave what to whom who didn't know why nor which one to thank for that which he now has had this week here and no one knows how he took it there.

    I am, a major fan of commas, and, always will be. If you place a strategic comma or two, that sentence makes sense.

    I like misplacing words too: For sale: Elderly lady, marble top and a wooden chest available any time.


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