Making a Website

I've been busy for the last 2 days making a new website for my church which is located over in Glenavon, Sask. I'm starting to go googley-eyed from all the html coding. I searched for about a year to find a website template that would really suit our small country church. The choice was between a ready made one where you fill in the blanks and a template where you change all the html coding. There weren't any suitable ready made ones so I had to find a template I could work with since I only took the html course a couple years ago. I finally found 3 that would do, one of which was exceptionall. I showed them to the family and they all liked my favorite. That was last summer.

I looked at it every so often while continuing to search, just in case. Then last week I had this overpowering feeling that I should be setting it up. It's been a couple years since the pastor's wife asked me to make it so it's not like they've been real demanding but it would be a good thing for the church and the community.

It's just that I've been working on Emma's story since I'm kind of on a deadline to submit it. But while I've felt this urge to make the church website, I've also kept thinking that if I give time to God for his work first, He'll help me make time for mine. I really believe that.

So far I've got most of the segments worked out where I want them. The images gave me about 3 hrs work until I figured I needed to resize them first. I'm still having trouble figuring out how to publish the header along with the content so I guess I have at least another day to work on it. And that's just the home page.

Meanwhile, the temp was up to about 0C which is the freezing point. Such a far cry from our -47C/-54F weather just a week ago. Almost felt like sunbathing in that bright sun today except I needed to work on the website. :D

My bruises are healing since I started the anti-inflammatory meds on Sat. It's been about 10 days since my fall and it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest in the mornings but it gets better during the day. Probably due to the meds and Tylenol. Still hurts to cough, sneeze, blow nose, hiccup and yawn, though. They're only bruised and just need time to heal. At least I have a job where I can sit and rest.

This is a pic of Monday night's sunset - looking towards the south! Taken about 5:30 pm, it was very weird because of the colorful southern sky but nothing in the west.

I'd like to bring it up in Photoshop and get rid of that power line but it's getting late. The laptop I was working on the website froze up in the middle of checking to see if I got the images done right this time so I've powered it down for the night. I don't want to check and see that it didn't work because I'd feel compelled to try to fix it. Time enough tomorrow, I guess.


  1. hey there Anita
    I'll pray for you as you create your Church's website - that is one thing I have not done as of yet (probably because I deal with computer stuff all day and don't want to do more at night). I'm sure it will be great.
    I'm of the same mindset - honor the Lord with your time and He will honor you. I sort of think of doing things for the church as a tithe of sorts of my time and talents. You certainly do much.

  2. It's one thing to do your own website but quite another to do it for someone else, particularly a church or some other prominent community organisation. Very brave of you! Wishing you the best in your efforts. But I have no doubt it will turn out great. You have a lot of knowledge and the persistence necessary to do a good job.

    I've been meaning to send you my commiserations about your fall. Are you sure you didn't crack a rib or two? I can't remember you saying whether you had an x-ray. My walking partner fell last year, and I believe it was her chiropracter, without an x-ray, who determined she had a fracture. We stopped walking for a while, more to make sure she didn't fall again and re-injure, then we changed our walking time to afternoons. This year we've stuck to early morning because there's no conflict with anything else at 6:30 am! (But we are very careful.)

    Hope you're quickly on the mend.

  3. Hey Deb, I'm not sure about the knowledge part this time. :)

    I took a basic online website making crse which covered how it works, html coding, and getting it online. I'm using my crse notes and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating an HTML web page. Between the 2 I seem to be able to plod along.

    On the advise of Donna Alward, I'm using Bravenet as my host. I like working with their site and if you go to you can see the website I started with one of their templates.

    But this one isn't one of theirs. I guess you're right - I'm tenacious and will work on it until I figure it out.

    I appreciate your confidence in me. :)

  4. Yes, Helena, between my persistence and His help, I'm sure I'll accomplish it. I don't know if I would call it brave though. I've resisted so long, I feel more like Jonah. :D

    About the ribs - I awoke last Thurs (5th day after the fall) and I could barely breathe. The Dr was in town that day so I went in and got an X-ray done. Ribs are only bruised. Sure doesn't equate to the pain and lack of bruises on my chest. Knee is purple, though. My eldest is taking a massage therapy crse though and says it's not really the ribs that bruise but the muscles and tissue surrounding them that inflame and rub and that's where the pain comes from. Which explains why the doc gave me anti-inflammatory pain meds.

    Pain is diminishing but still there. Forgot about it the other day and bent over to pick up a towel and you'da thought I was having a heart attack!

    At least I can still write. :)

    Thanks for the visit. Now, back to figuring out how to add text to a photo and make it into a link...

  5. Anita,
    I am sooo proud of you. Wow, 2010 has brought you lots of bangs (of physical, mental, and emotional varieties.)

    With you all the way!!!

    Can't wait to check out the new site!!


  6. Hey Patti, thanks for the confidence boost.

    Yeah, maybe I'll get all the tribulations out of the way first so I can enjoy the rest of the year, eh? :)

    I was successful ironing out some html problems today so I feel good about that but still have other probs waiting. At least I know I'm not doing this alone and He has infinite resources. :)

    Nice seeing you here. My web surfing has been drastically curtailed this week and I feel like I'm out of the loop. Thanks for stopping by.


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